Submission to Christ & the Word of God: the
truly beautiful Life!
Submission to Christ & the Holy Spirit
Learning to hear God's voice, attuning our hearts to the leading of the Holy Spirit
following God's Word (the Bible) as our Guide
Jesus, our Good & Gentle Shepherd
How to
attain directional wisdom from the Lord
listening to the Voice of God
(openness to divine
course-correction, readiness
to hear the Father's
discipline & Loving
Principles to
grow in Christlike submission
a balance of wise & godly counsel from others,
hearkening diligently to God's Voice & the advice
and admonition of mature Bible believers who are
gracious, loving & God-fearing (We should remember
that God, even in the case of Balaam son of Beor, may
clearly speak through the mouth of a donkey, when He
so chooses!)
Developing a heart which
honors God in decisions, determined to follow His
direction & ways (especially in weighty &
important matters)
What is
submission? (according to
the Bible)
What submission is not
(to clear up some misunderstandings)
Submission is not
"being a robot" or "not having a voice."
Submission expresses a humble willingness to follow
the truth of God's Word (the
We cheerfully obey the teachings & commandments of
God (through grace). Attentively keeping the
word of Christ, following the voice of the Holy
Spirit. Obeying out of a heart of love for God,
living in the fear (reverence, respect) of the Lord,
eagerly hearkening to our Father's Voice, delighting
to serve & give heed to what He asks. It's not
being a mindless, programmed robot. True Christianity
John 14:15
“If you love Me, you will
keep My commandments.
He who has My commandments
and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he
who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will
love him and will show (reveal, disclose) Myself to
If you keep My commands,
you will remain (abide) in My love, just as I have
kept my Father’s commands and remain (abide) in His
John 15:14
You are My friends if you
do what I command.
Jesus answered and said to
him: “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word;
and My Father will love him, and We will come to him
and make Our abode with him. He who does not love Me
does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is
not Mine, but the Father’s, who sent Me."
Obeying God starts with
daily decisions.
And choosing God Himself as the One who will
direct our lives.
though we dwell in an imperfect world, we
are to (somehow) rise above those
imperfections, and become
Also, we are
to find a way to live in community with
others. And set an example for those
around us. The biological family (if
the members follow the God of the Bible)
and the (larger) worldwide family of
believers (those who follow Christ) are
known as the house of God.
Psalm 133
shares "how good & pleasant it is (or,
at least, is supposed to be) when brethren
dwell together in UNITY." Through
connection & communication with other
people of faith, we can learn & grow
in a context of support, encouragement
& friendship, similar to a big
family. Families have problems, but
we are to, somehow, get connected to the
family. Not pagans &
unbelievers, but the real family.
In the
assembly of believers who fear God,
worship the Lord & follow Jesus, we
are wise to welcome the help of others to
teach us more (by their example &
words) about submission to Christ.
We should welcome periodic
loving, concerned counsel, brotherly
exhortation & correction from the Word
of God which may arise through
God works in
many ways like this in the body of Christ
(when we allow him to). Note:
This is not harsh rejection. Or
personal judgmentalism (finding fault with
others in way that does not really agree
with the Spirit, love or grace of
scripture). Admonishment is also not
others crudely venting their unhelpful
personal opinions or dark
criticisms. Or meddling in matters
they have no divine wisdom about.
Instead, godly counsel can help us learn
the way out of our stumblings, help us
build resolve to "say no to ungodliness
& live self-controlled, upright &
godly lives in this present age."
True friends & brothers (brethren) can
help us in our blind spots &
weaknesses, even give us a boost to
recover from mistakes & errors.
Like when Aaron & Hur held up the
hands of Moses on the mountain amidst a
fierce & uncertain battle.
Therefore, we
should believe and put into practice the
welcoming input of godly &
Christ-centered family relationships,
realizing that counsel, prophecy,
admonition (and even rebuke) can offer us
a humble opportunity to grow in submission
to Christ & His Word. We should
welcome the assistance of loving, caring
brothers & sisters.
believers in the body of Christ are to be
like "fathers in the gospel." Older
women in the Church, like mothers.
Sometimes elders can offer comfort,
support, prayer, uplifting words of
hope. Their example can teach
us. Cautions & warnings can
build up a divine safety net of holy
checks & balances, plus supply
additional wisdom. When carried out
in gentleness & love (Galatians
6:1-2), the surrounding of these
supporting & guiding relationships can
increase the government of God in our
lives. As we knit together with others,
not in judgmentalism, harsh legalism, or
human control, but helping each other as
fellow believers, walking side by side on
our journey with Christ.
the government of our lives is to be upon
Jesus' shoulders.
Micah 7:7-9
for me, I will be on the watch for the Lord;
I will wait for the God of my
salvation. My God will
hear me.
8 ...Though I fall I will rise;
Though I live in darkness, the Lord
is a light for me.
9 I
will endure the wrath of the Lord
Because I have sinned against Him,
Until He pleads my case and
executes justice for me.
He will bring me out to the light,
I will look at His righteousness.
Micah 6:6-8
what shall I come to the Lord?
And bow myself before the
God on high?
Shall I come to Him with burnt
offerings,with yearling
7 Does the Lord
take pleasure in thousands of rams,
In ten thousand rivers of oil?
8 ...He has told you, mortal
man, what is good;
And what does the Lord
require of you?
But to do justice, to love
kindness (mercy),
And to walk humbly with your God.
Submission is
not the absence of having a choice
(because we have personal free-will). But it is a path
of walking humbly with our God.
Submission is
also not an unwillingness on the part of God to listen
to or acknowledge our input. If we have a humble,
healthy, balanced relationship with God, and know Him
as Father, we are confident that He welcomes us to
offer prayer & petition, to make requests &
ask for permission. We also know we are not in
charge. God is. Abba Father.
The Lord may
sometimes allow us a freedom of choice (unless our
idea is wrong, foolish or dangerous - or
Jesus is Lord & the King of Kings.
However, in
loving collaboration, heaven's grace-based friendship
with us, allows also for the Lord to be our gentle
Shepherd, and a loving Father. This is HOW you
should pray: "Our FATHER, who art in
Under that
caring Fatherhood, our Abba (Daddy) sometimes may
encourage us to consider the options, or invite us to
bring our requests & petitions before His
throne. On some matters, our heavenly Father may
turn things around & give us a say ourselves in
holy & important matters. For example, consider
Abraham's conversation with God as to how many
righteous men would be enough to have mercy on the
town that had displeased God & was doomed for
wrath & destruction. Being a true disciple means
learning ways to enter into deep, intimate
conversation with the Creator. Walking with God
is like a daily audio connection, with our Heavenly
Father sending us text messages, emails, scripture
verses, Bible revelations, pictorial visions (picture
attachments), dreams at night & songs in the
morning. God has a voice & loves to speak
with His children.
There are many
everyday decisions we ourselves can make.
Especially the more trivial matters of life (what
foods we choose to eat for breakfast, what brand of
shampoo we buy, what colors & styles we like in
clothes, what kind of car we drive, etc). We may
have generous freedom to choose whatever we want in
matters like those.
Certainly there
are weighty matters in life, where not all options are
OK. There are many decisions before us which
touch on absolute moral truth or the holiness of
God. Right & wrong. In these areas,
for example: we are not free to hurt or harm
others, murder, physically assault, rob, steal or
threaten the safety of others. Thou shalt not
commit adultery. We are amiss if we seek to sin
or commit crimes, to kill or abort babies, or enable
others to do the same. "Thou shalt not kill
(murder)." In those pivotal moral matters, the
holy God of heaven simply says: "Thou shalt
not." And He expects us to obey. There
will be consequences if we don't.
God also
(gently & lovingly, sometimes firmly) tells us
what to do. If we are rebellious, we may not
want to hear it? "Thou shalt love the Lord thy
God with all thy heart, soul, mind &
strength." "Love your neighbor as
yourself." "Those who live like this (followed
by a list of defiant, despicable sins) will not
inherit the kingdom of God."
A mature
& wise freedom is not
marked by a life of
Independent decisionmaking
sums up how Adam & Eve
fell away & crashed their
relationship with God in the
first place. See:
Genesis 3
Liberty is
not a proud, arrogant
disregard for God or His holy
Word (the Bible). Nor a
callous, unfeeling attitude
toward the fellows around
us. How we treat
friends, family &
neighbors matters to
God. His holy rule
is: "Love your neighbor
as yourself."
warns: "Do not use your
freedom as a cover-up for
Choice, by
God's definition, does not
allow us to reject divine law,
or live contrary to reasonable
moral laws God has established
here on earth. "Those
who sow to please their flesh
(human sinful nature &
instincts) will reap
destruction." Instead,
we should follow the holy
counsel of God (Yahweh).
We also
should embrace the loving
advice of others. Let
the words of trusted, loving,
reliable, faithful friends
shepherd your pathway.
Let the Holy Spirit confirm
the messages which are from
God. And listen.
Take heed to God's Voice, to
safely navigate through the
valley of the shadow of death
& do no evil.
If we are
rejecting God-sanctioned
authority, or make a habit to
rebel against (or ignore)
basic life rules, instructions
or wise boundaries, we may
have exceeded the freedom
& free will the Lord
allows. We may have slipped
beyond what's acceptable into
a realm of rebellion,
following ourselves as master,
led astray by our own
assertions. One sign of
this error can be obvious
signs that we are breaking
God's commandments.
Humility & reverence for
God can choose a different
way. Hearken diligently
to the Lord's voice & let
Him guide your way.
Proverbs 13:13
Whoever scorns instruction
will pay for it, but whoever respects a command is
Proverbs 1:8
my son, to your father’s instruction and do not
forsake your mother’s teaching.
Listen, my sons, to a
father’s instruction; pay attention and gain
God Himself brings people into
our lives through important
friendships (with checks,
balances &
accountability). His
voice & word can speak to
us through fathers &
mothers (when we are born into
this world). Through
pastors, elders, teachers,
apostles, prophets &
others. Not just through
popular pulpit speakers, but
through anyone, when we live
responsibly in relationship
with the Church.
Sometimes I would benefit more
to listen to the testimony of
the gray-haired lady who sits
in the front row at church,
who has walked with God for 60
years, than a slick-looking
seminary graduate in a nice
suit who hasn't had years
enough yet to mature in the
faith. God can speak through
family members, grandparents,
wise, older Christians and
others who fear & seek
God Himself establishes laws
& rules for us through His
Word. And through the
communications of a
relationship with the Holy
Spirit. Which explains one of
the reasons why we: "you are
not your own. You were bought
with a price. Therefore honor
God..." We are to seek
God's way, not our own
way. Isaiah 55
Isaiah 55:8-11
“For My
thoughts are not
your thoughts,
and your ways are
not My ways,”
declares Adonai
(the Lord).
9 As high as
the sky is above
the earth
are My ways higher
than your ways,
and My thoughts
than your
10 For just
as rain and snow
fall from the sky
and do not return
there, but water
the earth,
causing it to bud
and produce,
giving seed to the
sower and bread to
the eater;
11 so is My
word that goes out
from My mouth —
it will not return
to Me (void, empty
or) unfulfilled;
but My Word will
accomplish what I
and accomplish
(cause to succeed)
what I sent My
Word (Christ
Himself, the
eternal Word) to
may have crept into a person's heart when
a man seeks to determine most of his life
decisions alone (without the Bible open,
without prayer & without hearing from
God). And then a man or woman aim to
exert freedoms which secure what they want
for hope, provision, peace &
happiness. Yet, do not fail to
remember scripture (Psalm 127):
"Unless the Lord builds the house, the
laborers build in vain." A life of
following personal desires &
preferences, without checks or balances,
can easily turn awry & lead us
whims & desires can be followed
(through "free will") but only to the
expense & harm of society or
others. For example: "Thou shalt not
commit adultery." Or "be the husband
of but one wife." Rather than pursue
a path of reckless independence, we need
to live humbly before God &
wisely. From the scriptures, we need
to be better informed, so we can act in
loving responsibility, and do what's
right, in relationship to, and alongside
successfully hear from & follow God,
we need a daily "Bible open" policy.
And a heart listening approach to prayer,
worship & spiritual meditation.
Learn what it means to: "Wait on the
men (& ladies who love Jesus), and
young people of both genders, should also
avoid a life of self-centered
determinations. Include others, like
your (Christian, God-fearing) parents, or
significant others, in your
decisions. Include spiritual leaders
& brothers in the faith, sisters,
family members when appropriate.
Choose advisors & counselors who fear
God, who are wise, diligent seekers of the
kingdom of God, who hear the voice of
heaven. Listen to what they
say. God may already be talking to
you. Fraternize with spiritually
minded believers.
counsel & prayers of others can help
us avoid sinful or reckless decisions
& actions. Or sidestep bad
choices or endeavors we have blundered
upon. Or skip the sadness, dishonor
& shame that arrives when we skip
accountability to God. Sometimes,
what got us down that low was overlooking
a Christ-centered consensus with others.
The wise counsel of godly men (plus
scripture itself, which was written by God
Himself through godly men) can save us a
LOT of grief.
Timothy 6:9-11
Those who crave (want, long,
desire) to be rich (what
happens to those guys? They)
fall into temptation and a
snare, and into many foolish
(useless, even godless) and
hurtful (harmful) desires that
plunge men into ruin and
destruction (miserable years
& perishing).
10 For the love of money is a
root of all (kinds of) evil;
it is through this (greedy)
craving that some have been
led astray (from God
& His Word)
and have wandered from the
faith and pierced themselves
with many acute (and
[mental] griefs.
11 But as for you, O man of
God, flee from all these
things; aim and pursue
righteousness (make
your priority to keep your heart in
right standing with God, and true
godliness (which is
marked by the loving fear of God,
and being Christlike on top of that),
grow in your) faith,
love, steadfastness
(patience), and gentleness of
heart (so your
life becomes more & more like
the better life, really worth
If the "freedom" & personal
"democracy" an individual seeks includes a
rather extreme (or arrogant) approach to
decisions & daily behaviors.
This regular throwing aside of holiness or
accountability to God, and a neglect to
follow scripture can be a real stumbling
block, sure to lead to disaster. Make sure
you don't shun God-given leaders, or
ignore the overseers whom God has placed
in our lives (like fathers, husbands,
elders, spiritual shepherds & caring
Christian friends, those who love &
pray for us). Don't reject such
people when you notice their minor
imperfections or things you don't
like. Shunning the family of God may
mean we are headed for error. "The
eye cannot say to the hand: I have no need
of you."
prudent man
sees danger
and takes
Refuge (in
Christ &
His Word,
Psalm 46 says
that God
Himself is our
but the simple
keep going and
suffer for it
(pay the
personal "super-independence" approach to
life may be happening when other people,
for example, a father, elder, leader,
or husband, are no longer respected or
heeded (because we rebelliously want to do
something different than the Shepherd's
voice). When the voice of others
cannot get through to us, or be honored or
heard - When we go our own way. Like
a runaway train, out of control, we can
become like a giant, heavy, fully loaded,
semi-trailer truck racing downhill through
the slopes of the mountains. When we
hit bottom, a wreck may become
imminent. Tragically, a personal
declaration of "super-independence" brings
many dangers. Attitude: "Listen to
no one, do what you please, ignore the
scriptures & have a hard heart toward
God" - this can become a dangerous
pathway, signifying a life that has gone
you ever been like that? What
exactly went wrong?
of rejecting the voice of God, or
dishonoring relationships which bring His
truth to help us, we should "hearken
diligently to the voice of the Lord our
God!" We should not be rejecting the
caring consensus or input of others.
God sometimes seeks to balance our
thoughts or inform our decisions with
godly input from others. This
message may be a tool from God to open
your eyes about that?
wisdom is often called for within
marriage, in the church, in families, at
work & in society.
& personal
counsel &
can be a healthy part of godly
in the "secular" world, advice &
accountability are sometimes needed
(though a lot of imperfections & wrong
messages exist out there). Actually,
all humans (including secular, atheist,
agnostic unbelievers) are called &
required to follow all the moral
commandments of God's Law & the Word
of God. And their lives will be judged
forever on that basis.
everywhere need godliness, a full array of
righteous rules & laws. But
these need to be written on the
heart. Not in books or legal
libraries somewhere.
righteous guidelines are followed, Jesus
said that we can know the truth that sets
us free! (John 8:31-36)
God's truth can lead us, collectively, to
a more loving & orderly society.
It's not so much a divine Theocracy the
nations need, as much as (each individual
needs) a personal submission to Christ
& His Word, one person at a
time. What human governments cannot
provide, God indeed can.
want a world free from crime & harmful
behaviors, an end to wars, and a lessening
of the conflicts between men. Jesus
is the Way to get there. The Bible
is the best path.
word is a lamp
for my feet,
and a light to
my path.
Jesus is Lord.
2: 9-11
"Therefore God exalted Him
to the highest place
and gave Jesus Christ the name that
is above every name,
10 that, at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under
the earth,
11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is
Lord! To the glory of God the Father!"
That is the answer for all
mankind's problems.
We each need to deeply
heart-acknowledge, yield & surrender to the
reality that Jesus Christ is Lord.
We cooperate deeply with the
Lordship of heaven when we yield our hearts to
daily humility, faith & surrender. To
offer respect & true submission to Christ
Himself, in all things. Indeed, deeply honor,
revere & respect Jesus as the Lord of our
lives. Then our actions show the fruit of
that dedication. We love others more. We
pray more reverently & humbly. We serve,
follow the Lord, help others. We
sacrifice, give, blossom in the fruit of the
Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Show
Christlike character to the world.
This kind of humility &
surrender serves upward a deep communication of
submission to God. That is a sacrifice which
glorifies God & enables our life &
actions to shout His praises!
person who consistently refuses to
respond to God's instructions and divine
authority? What does that look
like? According to scripture.
such example is the man of the Gadarenes
(or Gerasenes)
in Mark 5:1-20.
on that Gadarene path
too long? The next step on that
road is demonic influence, humiliation
& degradation. In the end, the
devil may try to take something in your
life over completely. satan is out
to destroy. Stop before it's too
late. The Gadarenes is where
murderers, criminals, drug addicts,
abortions, abortion doctors &
baby-slaughtering clinics are birthed.
The people there live in tombs &
cemeteries. And stench is
everywhere. They live the life of
the unclean. And dark, unclean
spirits control & enslave their
thoughts. They know shame &
loneliness, but not love or
freedom. Christ is the ONLY WAY
is not good when society, bad
politicians and corrupt lawmakers
cultivate a Gadarene habit
of defiantly scorning God's
holiness. Their counsel &
advice seeks to mislead society to do
things which displease God.
authority is much different. Real
leaders direct us to respect &
follow holiness. And do what is
right. Holy, holy, holy is the
Lord God Almighty.
Scripture tells us: "Be holy, because I AM
is the path of fools, and the evil
balanced, gentle, loving, gracious view
of authority is also described as
important in scripture. Christ
Himself wants to be that Leader in our
life. John 10 tells all about
it. His Authority (Christ-like
Shepherding & Leadership) can help
us embrace a new pathway of personal
holiness. Biblical submission to
Christ & the Word of God, can train
us in godliness and help us to follow
God's ways.
chapters 1 - 10 is all about this.
are amiss if we frequently seek to
ignore the input, counsel & advice
of God and others He sends us. The
Bible itself contains the words &
advice of the Wonderful Counselor, the
Mighty God, the Everlasting
also may surround us with other mature
shepherds & godly examples who are
wise, divinely appointed &
have little excuse when holy
instructions or exhortations, intended
by God for us, are simply ignored.
Our decisions need to be based on the
Word of God, His grace & Love.
mentors, leaders, fathers, husbands
& true-hearted authorities share
with us the plain teaching of scripture
& the counsel of God. we should not
ignore the voice of godly consensus. God
often brings a series of witnesses
intentionally to us to help turn us
around when we have veered off
track. He prefers to do this
through the Bible itself (which contains
many witnesses). However, if the
holy scriptures are left closed in a
pile of dust (by our choice), God will
speak another way.
Without submission to Christ & His Word, a heart that yields
& listens, divine authority can become (at least for us)
largely meaningless.
Submission to Christ &
His Word can not happily coexist
with a personal philosophy of extreme
"democracy," or super-independence (an approach
to life where a person, or people, tend to run
somewhat "wild.") A very strong-willed
individual, may dramatically self-rule or govern
his own life. So, no policeman, no law,
rule or authority can get through. Someone
who has determined to listen to no other ("no
one can tell me what to do"), then, perhaps: no
teacher, pastor or prophet can get a word in
There are many aspects of
life which we need to yield to God's
control. If we, instead, prefer making our
own individual self-importance top
priority. If we insist to be our own
Master. And formulate life-decisions
without God's help, where will that lead? If we
frequently reject or scorn authority - or worse
- try to make ourselves "the authority,"
we are likely treading in dangerous
Fools prefer a path of
self-determined will, and set aside the plain
instructions of scripture, and live life with
few checks & balances.
A fiercely independent path
can become reckless or self-destructive, even
exponentially. Arrogance can build a bad
habit of "sitting in the seat of scornful
mockers" (Psalm 1) which scripture warns
against, and become an ongoing attitude,
eventually a stronghold.
He is not wise who spurns (or
ignores) scripture, or is spiritually forgetful.
Or has closed his ears to the voice of God.
Foolish is the man whose feet go astray, who can
be misled by each whim of choice & desire.
God has something better for us. Because really,
knowing Jesus & doing His will, hearkening
to His Word, that way of life is the thing that
is better. Indeed, the one thing that is truly
needed. Luke 10:38-42
Proverbs 28:13-14
Whoever conceals
their sins does not prosper, but the one who
confesses and renounces them finds mercy.
Blessed is the one who always trembles
before God, but whoever hardens their heart
falls into trouble.
Whoever scorns
instruction will pay for it, but whoever
respects a command is rewarded.
It is a
safeguard to embrace (not
reject) wise, loving
oversight, and be held in
fellowship with prayerful,
graceful accountability in
relationship with trusted
advisers &
counselors. We
really need, more than
anything, the Lordship of
Christ. However,
Christ-centered friendship
of a few friends or family
members can help us grow
& move forward as
We are
not walking God's way if we
find we are constantly
rejecting each gentle
shepherd God seeks to send
our way.
Proverbs 23:9
Do not speak to fools, for they will scorn your
prudent words.
Proverbs 30:17
The eye that mocks a father, that scorns a
mother, will be pecked out by the ravens of the
valley, will be eaten by the vultures.
All of us need
God. We also need a few good
men (friends or brothers).
Spiritual people who are in charge,
who lead by example, who know the
Word of God, and who possess
Christlike character.
Who are these
people? Perhaps a longtime
friend. One who is spiritually
mature. Someone who knows the
scriptures backwards & forward. They can be God-sent
friends &
brothers, who
can bring
scripture or
little drinks
of living
water to
These can be mentors or
And may
pastors, a
father, mother
Even a born
coworker or
We need caring words from God
And also other
We need Godly
counselors who
There needs to be, at key times
in our lives,
godly people
Who God
employs with
words &
or who is
there when we
There are also people God may
send to
challenge or
us. We
need to give
those voices
permission to
speak into our
when we are
weak or
True friends
(or church
leaders) who
offer the
right words of
scripture and
echo God's own
voice, who
help us, give
counsel &
Who love &
forgive us,
even at our
And pray for
us when no one
else does.
When others
have forgotten
These are true
brothers &
sisters, part
of the
family, people
sent from God.
Christians need direct guidance
from God's
Word to make
sure our
We also need
to hear the
echo clearly
through the
voice of
That is why
there are so
many books in
Each one is
like a
counselor to
us, a friend,
a voice of
a Word from
Moses, Elijah,
David, Joseph,
Asaph, Micah,
Matthew, Mark,
Luke &
John, Jesus,
Paul, James,
One & all,
children of
God, people
who God sends
to tell us His
And keep us on
the path.
It's not easy to
shepherd of disciple others.
It's tough to be a parent. Or
a leader. Or oversee
Humans have a lot
of foibles, problems, issues.
Sometimes, mistakes.
It's also not easy to shepherd sheep.
Yet Jesus lay
down His life
to care for us
we read the chapters in Titus, plus
1 & 2 Timothy, about
qualifications for elders,
overseers, pastors, bishops &
deacons, we can get some idea.
Also think about James 1: "Not
many of you should presume to be
teachers, my brethren.
Because those of us who teach will
be judged more strictly."
Christ Himself
offers to be our gentle Shepherd.
That is good to know. Because
sometimes everything else may
fail. The Holy Spirit,
Himself, is the ultimate & best
Counselor. Build a
relationship with God. Jesus
Isaiah 9
Isaiah 9:4-7
"For God will break the chains that bind his people and the whip that scourges them, just as He did when He destroyed the vast host of the Midianites by Gideon’s little band (of renegade warriors, unlikely to win). 5 In that glorious day of peace, there will no longer be the (need for) issuing of battle gear; no more the (brutal battles that lead to) bloodstained uniforms of war..."
What, pray tell, will
lead to the victorious end of all
our battles? His Name is
"For unto us a child is born;
unto us a Son is given; and the
government shall be upon His
shoulders. These will be His
royal titles: “Wonderful,”
“Counselor,” “The Mighty God,”
“The Everlasting Father,” “The
Prince of Peace.” 7 His
ever-expanding, peaceful
government will never end!
He will rule with perfect
fairness and justice from the
throne of his father David. He
will bring true justice and
peace to all the nations of the
world! This is going to happen
because the Lord of heaven’s
armies has dedicated Himself to
do it!"
Submission is yielding
to the Lordship of Christ & listening to
God's voice (following His Word)
Jesus Himself
(Christ) is the ultimate example of what
submission really
(submission to the Father, a life of following
God's Word, submission to a higher purpose &
to Heaven's plan)
Matthew 4:19
Jesus says: "Come
follow Me."
Luke 22:42
"Not my will, but
Yours be done."
Prayer: "My God, my loving, wise Heavenly Father, your pre-eminent, righteous decision & purpose will be done no matter what the cost. Thank you for taking from me what is not Your will & providing something better, indeed the blessing & bounty of what comes from your hand, not from this earth."
Next, to enhance the sharing of this message, I
gathered clarifying input & additional
scripture verses from a long-time, trusted &
valued, friend in Christ, brother Brian, a
humble Christian man, who has walked with God
for many years, humbly & diligently seeking
the heart of God through His Word. Brian
has worn many "hats" over the years in ministry,
including: pastor & missionary. My friend,
Brian, a long-time servant of God, shared the
following (very insightful) verses.
The following verses show
the heart of Jesus, how Christ humbly, in
reverent submission, related
His Father. Jesus modeled genuine
submission to the throne of heaven (the
heavenly Father) during the days of His
ministry here on earth, sharing with us a
shining example to follow...
John 5:19
Jesus answered and was saying to them:
“Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can
do nothing of Himself, unless it is
something He sees the Father doing; for
whatever the Father does, these things the
Son also does in like manner."
John 5:30
can do nothing on My own initiative. As I
hear, I judge; and My judgment is just,
because I do not seek My own will, but the
will of Him who sent Me."
John 6:38
I have come down from heaven, not to do My
own will, but the will of Him who sent
John 8:28
said, “When you lift up the Son of Man,
then you will know that I am He, and I do
nothing on My own initiative, but I speak
these things as the Father taught Me."
John 12:49
I did not speak on My own initiative, but
the Father Himself who sent Me has given
Me a commandment as to what to say and
what to speak."
John 14:10
you not believe that I am in the Father,
and the Father is in Me? The words that I
say to you I do not speak on My own
initiative, but the Father abiding in Me
does His works."
Brother Brian's commentary (summarizing the
clear example of Christ, reflected in the above
verses from John):
For each decision & action, indeed the very
words Christ spoke...
"Jesus never
did anything of His own initiative,
but was completely submitted to His Father
(our Father) in heaven."
Though Christ fully possessed free will (like us), in the garden of Gethsemane, Christ uttered these words of submission & surrender:
Luke 22:42
"Not my will,
but Yours (Thine) be done."
Submission is not the absence of
having a personal choice (or the chance to speak
up & offer input, or ask for
permission). Submission is not
a forbiddance
to say something reasonable & respectful, or
offer an idea. Wisdom however, constrains
us to admit that God Himself is the all-wise
One. We should hold our own opinions
lightly. And not insist we are
right. Or demand what we want. When
the God of heaven sees with all-seeing
eyes. And, by comparison, we are
blind. "The fool says in his heart there
is no God." (Psalms)
God does allow petition,
requests or asking favors. However, the
Lord opposes the proud. We do best to
humbly ask & listen to God's perspective
first. Scripture says (Proverbs 3:5-6) to
"trust in the Lord with all our heart."
"Lean not to your own understanding." "In
all your ways acknowledge (recognize, honor,
defer to) Him." And, ultimately (don't
miss this): "He (God Himself) shall direct your
paths." Jesus is Lord. We were never
really intended to direct our own lives.
God has granted humans
(generally speaking) free will. What is
that? Free will means we are not compelled
to obey & love God. Rather, we are
encouraged to yield our personal choices in a
holy direction. And humble ourselves under
God's mighty hand. And surrender.
Submission to the will of God is a choice.
A choice to not be a fool. A choice to
relinquish our self-determined destruction,
lawlessness & waywardness. To admit to
ourselves & others that God is the One who
created us. And not we ourselves.
Humans are not merely a product of
biology. Psalm 139 says that: "We are
fearly & wonderfully MADE (created)."
That God knows "all the days ordained for us,
before one of them came to be."
We have a gracious amount of
personal freedom to weigh in on decisions, even
some important matters. We do have a voice
in the decision-making process (when God allows
& encourages our participation &
input). However, in all things we are to
seek the Kingdom of God first (His
rulership). And follow Christ as Lord.
There is a deep personal
responsibility which goes with free
will. To be responsible with free
will, we are to consistently follow the
example of Jesus. And pursue a life
that is honoring to Christ. True freedom
includes a generous daily dose of God-honoring
submission as we make each decision & choose
our mood, behaviors & ways of relating to
others. We need to ever-consult the Word
& ways of God.
We are to pursue divine
wisdom. And a life of choices that are
yielded to God's Word, have a heart which
surrenders to the Holy Spirit.
God also likes to bring His
counsel to us, at times, through others.
Let every (significant) matter be confirmed in
the mouth of two or three witnesses.
Sometimes, others (especially the writers of the
Bible & the counsel of scripture) can help
us decide a path that is pleasing to God.
However, watch out! The
voice of a stranger we should not follow. The
voice of religion & legalism is not from
God. False prophets, false teachers,
controlling individuals (who guide contrary to
scripture) & cult leaders are some of those
"strangers." People who we don't know
personally or have godly relationship with are
also strangers.
Submission does not gain much from following the
harsh, random or destructive voices (and
misdirections) offered by strangers (John 10).
Christ-followers who are loving & caring can
share scripture & divine perspective (or
prophecy & revelation) with us, as an
extension of God's voice, as witnesses.
Their love & wise concern offers us a
"second opinion" that may help. God can
even bring kind, gentle (but possibly strict)
chastening through relationship with
others. Other brothers & sisters
(without rendering a personal verdict) should be
able to ask: "Why are you doing
that? Is that what God wants you to
do? Is that choice consistent with His
Word?" That kind of input, when consistent
with scripture, is the voice of a friend.
"There is a friend who sticks closer than a
brother." "My sheep hear My voice, and
they follow Me."
We need a heart which listens
collectively to the voice of God through
scripture. We need, ultimately, to live,
hearing God, in collaboration with the
Church. Not a religious organization who
has formal meetings centered around a building,
but rather true family & friends, fellow
believers who walk with God & follow His
Word. In the book of Acts, most Christian
believers met together in homes, informally,
gathered in public places for prayer, lived in
caring relationship with others.
Assemblies were relational & participatory,
not liturgical or preplanned without common
& repetitive (pre-ordained comment).
Jesus taught, in John 4 that "those who worship
the Father, the true worshippers, will worship
Him in Spirit & in truth."
We need to hearken diligently
to the secondhand "voice of God" when that Love
& truth is echoed kindly & helpfully
through others. Especially men & women
who have matured in the faith & are truly
Christ-centered people.
We should learn to listen to
the Holy Spirit when He speaks to us through
others. From the fruit of love, concern,
prayer & intercession. This is where
true prophecy & revelation comes from, from
Christ & a heart of love. From a
"friend who sticks closer than a brother."
We can depend on Christ in
the decisions of life. And, together, we
can find grace.
With our brothers, we need to
offer humility, respect, listening & honor
toward other godly people who have walked with
the Lord for years. These saints are
precious ones God has placed in our lives, who
stay close & share true reflections of the
Lord's voice & can be catalysts to lead us
deeper into the life of the Gentle Shepherd.
Psalm 141:5
Let a
righteous man strike me---that is a
kindness; let him rebuke me---that is oil on
my head. My head will not refuse it, for my
prayer will still be against the deeds of
Psalm 139:23-24
Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and
know my anxious thoughts.
24 See if there
is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the
way everlasting.
- brother
(the above message,
also includes some clarifying input, plus
additional scripture verses gleaned from my
long-time trusted & valued friend in Christ,
brother Brian)
Conclusion & restatement
of main point or theme:
Listen to the Voice of God. Read His
Word. Revere the wisdom of each page
of the Bible. Obey its
sayings. Ever seek those
things which are eternal.
Psalm 39:4-7
"Show me, O LORD, my life's end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life. 5 You have made my days a mere handbreadth; the span of my years is as nothing before you. Each man's life is but a breath. "
“Lord, make me to know my end And what is the extent of my days; Let me know how transient I am."
"Show me, Lord, my life’s end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting my life is."
"Lord, help me to realize how brief my time on earth will be. Help me to know that I am here for (for Your purpose, perhaps for only) a moment more."
“O Lord, help me understand my mortality and the brevity of life! Let me realize how quickly my life will pass!"
“Teach me, O Yahweh (Lord God), about the end of my life (and how the time is so short). Teach me about the number of days I have left so that I may know how temporary my life is (and really live for you with everything I've got!)"
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Stay tuned for MORE LATER...
Part 2
A focus on eternity
- and a marriage made in
heaven (here on earth)
Submission in
The explanation - more about this topic.
Bullet point 1 here
everlasting (the Bible)
Matthew 24:35
Here's scripture
Point title
Further thoughts (here).
Statement to amplify.
summary: Here
2 Timothy 3:16-17
Here's scripture verse
Explaining more about this topic.
Jesus Himself (Christ) is the Eternal Word (banner title to verse).
Matthew 24:35
Here's scripture
The explanation - more about this topic.