Detailed Bible listening Instructions
For viewing or listening to the Bible ONLINE!

Technical tips courtesy of

Three steps to listening to the Bible online

Navigating tips
Web browser recommendations


Three steps to doing it

To launch & listen to God's Word on your computer,
Follow these three simple steps...

1. If necessary, before beginning, please switch to a recommended Web browser.
Best viewed or listened to using Safari, Firefox, Mozilla, Opera or Netscape (avoid using IE).

You may need to switch to a different web browser before proceeding. The worst web browser (the one to AVOID) is Internet Explorer. Most others work better or satisfactorily. One IE flaw, for example, (present in IE vv. 4 & 5, both Mac & Windows versions) led to improper display of some framed pages. Later releases of IE contained new flaws, incompatibilities & dysfunctions as well. The best solution is to use a different (non-ie) web browser instead. Another defect in IE over the years has been conflicts or inabilities (or intentional blockage? by MS?) hindering the proper functioning of Real Player (in some ie versions) when a computer owner attempts to use Real Player together with ie. Other NON-ie web browsers will work flawlessly. You may need to switch to a different web browser before proceeding.
Best viewed or listened to using Safari, Firefox, Mozilla, Opera or Netscape.

2. Launch the Real Audio application on your computer
Launch the "stand-alone" application version of Real Audio. The application version is more faithful than reliance on web browser plugins.

3. Then using your web browser & Real Audio, click any Bible chapter link
The chapter text will appear in a new window and - usually - the audio portion, within a few seconds, will begin playing - automatically.
Listen & Enjoy!!!

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Or for more detailed instructions, please click in this column, then scroll down further.

Navigating tips

Web browser recommendations

Three steps to listening to the Bible online

Navigating tips (for the Bible online):
Use the book and chapter links to select the part of the Bible you wish to see (or hear). You can actually jump directly to any part of the Bible right here on your computer screen! Each chapter you select will open in a new window.

When you are done with that chapter, just close the window that chapter was in and you should find the & or Bible link table of contents page(s) still open in a window beneath (or one of the columns in frames).

If you want to go to an adjoining chapter in the same book of the Bible, there will also be links which appear at the end of each chapter which you may use to go to the previous or next chapter (in the same book of the Bible).

Once in any Bible chapter, you can return to the computer sections of by clicking the "Back" button or opening the "History" tab or menu choice in your browser. (In some versions of Netscape this history feature is accomplished by single-clicking the "Back" button but continuing to hold the mouse button down several seconds on top of the "Back" button until a dropdown history list appears.) Alternatively, if your browser opened the Bible chapter in a new window, you may simply close that window & the earlier browser window should still be open beneath.

If you want to hear the scripture read aloud over your computer speakers, the Real Audio software will usually cause this to happen automatically each time you click any chapter number. Real Audio is required must already be installed and properly configured on your computer (& in the "applications" or "helpers" section of your web browser) for the audio portion of the Bible to play properly & automatically. If it doesn't work automatically, try launching the Real Audio APPLICATION before you click the chapter link. On some computers the Real Audio APPLICATION will work (as long as it is up and running), whereas Real Audio browser plug-ins may fail (or not initialize the audio properly). Real Player usually works best if it is launched as an application first. Then click any of the links below in your web browser window.

Real Audio is not required to simply view & enjoy the text of the Bible (read but not listen).


Web browser recommendations: Listening to the Bible Online is most successfully experienced avoiding use of Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer is problematic & undesirable in many ways. IE sometimes does not seem to work as well as other browsers due to too much IE reliance on proprietary (non-compatible) MS programming coding methods & rendering. And IE suffers other technical limitations & strange idiosyncracies.

Safari, Firefox, Mozilla, Opera are much better web browser products for most computers and situations. Using any non-Microsoft web browser, click the song link below. The small files Real Audio needs will download very fast and begin to play after only a short delay. Safari, Firefox, Mozilla, Opera are the best browsers to use for best results. Some browsers work better than others with Real Audio on some computers. Avoid use of Internet Explorer

The audio Bible files you are getting ready to hear can be heard using Real Audio Player on any computer. (Make sure you have a new enough version of Real Player which supports Real Audio G2 or later format.) Either the Real Player application or plugin needs to be installed and properly configured on your computer for this to work.

Apple Itunes, Real Player, Flash, Shockwave & Apple Quick Time are significantly better audio or video apps than the MS alternatives. So for best results with streaming music, radio and audio on the Internet skip IE & Windows Media Player. Always use other web browsers (not IE) as your primary browser. Good ones include Safari, Firefox, Mozilla, Opera. Use Itunes or Real Player for most Internet audio "radio quality" streams. If possible, uninstall IE (Internet Explorer) from your computer entirely. Safari, Firefox, Mozilla, Opera are much better web browser products for most computers and situations.

Please avoid use of Internet Explorer on any computer as IE & most Microsoft products often have numerous unwanted bugs, susceptibilities to spread viruses & extra troubles and idiosyncracies which may cause you a myriad of computing problems. Even some unnecessary difficulties with Real Player songs & files. For best results, use other web browsers instead. Safari, Firefox, Mozilla, Opera are the best browsers to use for best results.

Some versions of IE design may hinder or conflict with some versions of Real Player. .ram, .ra real audio functioning seems problematic or perhaps sabotaged in some versions of IE. Why? Microsoft may only want people to use their browser and streaming player (Windows Media Player).


Final note...

I hope you enjoy God's Word here online. God's Word is meant to be in our hearts. "Man shall not live by bread (food) alone, but by every Word which proceeds from the mouth of God." - Matthew 4:4 The Bible is true cover to cover! And is even more relevant today than ever. Seek to have a heart which loves, believes and obeys God in all He has said. He gave this Word for you! Surely the words gathered together here in the scriptures are the most blessed words ever written and revealed to mankind. Enjoy!
- Jeff, webmaster for

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